If you follow the "official" Maura Murray Facebook page, moderated by a distant through-marriage relative (and also a man who may or may not exist), you likely have not heard that there are people who believe they've seen Maura since her disappearance.
The sightings actually begin an hour before her disappearance. That's when a cashier at Butson's Supermarket in Woodsville says Maura and two female friends came in to buy some wine coolers. Fred learned about this sighting early in the investigation and caused a scene in the store when he demanded video footage from a manager (there was likely no video footage that showed the register or entryway). But the family never released this info and did not acknowledge it until after it was published on this blog.
Years later, someone posted an anonymous report on a messagboard that suggested Maura hit Petrit Vasi with her car the night she had a breakdown at Melville hall, four days before her disappearance. That was the final push Maura needed to ditch her identity and start a new life. "Maura is living a content and satisfying life in the Province of Quebec."It appears a nurse, or someone who trained as a nurse, may have written that post, by the way.
Most interesting was this response to the post by someone called "Observer"
The Observer avatar was traced to an IP address in a small town in Massachusetts where Fred Murray's cousins live.
This was followed by the post by "Tourist in Canada"on a Topix messageboard:
In June of this year, we heard from a witness who was just ten years old in 2004 when a distressed woman showed up at his family's house near the Back Lake section of Pittsburg, New Hampshire, just across the border from Sherbrooke, Quebec.
At the same time I heard from a woman vacationing in Florida who was convinced she saw Maura in a vehicle at a gas station. The vehicle's plates were from Quebec.
In 2013, I traveled to Sherbrooke, Montreal, and Quebec City with Lance and Tim (the podcast guys). We showed pictures of Maura to people throughout those cities. A manager at a fitness center was 100% sure she'd seen Maura in there. And a record store employee said we missed Maura by a few days.
Now, with any cold case, there are always sightings of missing people, some whose bodies turn up years later. But, in my experience, these sightings are scattered throughout the country, and can be chalked up to look-a-likes. Maura's sightings are not scattered. They're localized around Sherbrooke, Quebec.
The sightings actually begin an hour before her disappearance. That's when a cashier at Butson's Supermarket in Woodsville says Maura and two female friends came in to buy some wine coolers. Fred learned about this sighting early in the investigation and caused a scene in the store when he demanded video footage from a manager (there was likely no video footage that showed the register or entryway). But the family never released this info and did not acknowledge it until after it was published on this blog.
Years later, someone posted an anonymous report on a messagboard that suggested Maura hit Petrit Vasi with her car the night she had a breakdown at Melville hall, four days before her disappearance. That was the final push Maura needed to ditch her identity and start a new life. "Maura is living a content and satisfying life in the Province of Quebec."It appears a nurse, or someone who trained as a nurse, may have written that post, by the way.
Most interesting was this response to the post by someone called "Observer"
This is very interesting, it somehow has the ring of truth to it. This is common knowledge in certain circles of people who are close to the family.
The Observer avatar was traced to an IP address in a small town in Massachusetts where Fred Murray's cousins live.
This was followed by the post by "Tourist in Canada"on a Topix messageboard:
I saw Maura Murray alive and well in Sherbrooke Quebec, I approached her and said "Hi Maura". She turned toward me and said "Hi" then gasped and looked like she was going to pass out from shock. I have no doubt this was Maura Murray. She is apparently alive and well and living in Canada. When I saw her she was with very handsome young man.
In June of this year, we heard from a witness who was just ten years old in 2004 when a distressed woman showed up at his family's house near the Back Lake section of Pittsburg, New Hampshire, just across the border from Sherbrooke, Quebec.
At the same time I heard from a woman vacationing in Florida who was convinced she saw Maura in a vehicle at a gas station. The vehicle's plates were from Quebec.
In 2013, I traveled to Sherbrooke, Montreal, and Quebec City with Lance and Tim (the podcast guys). We showed pictures of Maura to people throughout those cities. A manager at a fitness center was 100% sure she'd seen Maura in there. And a record store employee said we missed Maura by a few days.
Now, with any cold case, there are always sightings of missing people, some whose bodies turn up years later. But, in my experience, these sightings are scattered throughout the country, and can be chalked up to look-a-likes. Maura's sightings are not scattered. They're localized around Sherbrooke, Quebec.