Channel: My Search for Maura Murray
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Fred Releases Statement, Alleges Everyone Has Agenda

Fred Murray released a statement today. Here are some excerpts. My responses are in bold.
 [Renner] has asserted as basic fact that I asked Maura’s friends to not talk to him. This, of course, is another false allegation taken from his list of misrepresentations that he’s tried to foist on you. The reality is that I said the girls should “play it the way they saw it”. I wasn’t going to chance it because I didn’t trust him based on his unfounded and mean spirited hatchet job on his personally manufactured suspect, Dean Runkle, in the Amy Mihaljevic case.

The husbands and parents of Maura's friends told me he specifically suggested they not speak to me. And he's using histrionics. I had not sent him my book on the Mihaljevic case until long after he said he didn't want a book written about Maura. The man he mentions is not even in my book about the Mihaljevic case.

Another mainstay that he hangs his hat on is his beyond absurd claim that I ducked talking to the police for over two years.  The record shows I spoke to the state police early and often because of their own performance both collectively and individually and also their intransigence concerning their non-acceptance of the Boston F.B.I’s offer to enter the case.  I was at their Twin Mountain station several times in the first few months and on a couple occasions with a roomful of the top police brass around trying to talk me out of seeking the F.B.I.  I always went alone.

Fred knows there is a difference between talking to the police and sitting for a formal interview. As the documentary has mentioned, Fred refused to sit with a homicide detectives for a formal interview for years after his daughter went missing and when he did, he brought two lawyers.

He seeds his tale with inaccuracies all over the place. An example is his implying that Sara Alfieri told me the whole story.  Sara told me during the only time I talked to her that she was “asleep the entire time” and nothing more.

Helena Dwyer-Murray, the family spokesperson for many years, told me this story directly.

Another would be his constant reference to my brother’s home in Weymouth as “Fred’s house”.  This is a false platform erected to support establishing me as the owner of an adult magazine he says he found in the backyard in 2012 when I had moved out in early 2002.  “Fred’s house” has been in Hanson since he bought it in 1974.

Fred knows this is not true as well. He had his own room there. He was getting mail delivered there. Maura used the address for her university mail. Neighbors told me Fred was there often. The magazine was amidst his stuff.

He repeatedly mentions a hanger on want to be track coach named Hossein something who said he never knew Maura’s father was alive when he met Maura and me while we were watching a race and told me of his prospective book about a runner.  Maura had no interest what so ever in this guy.

No interest? Maura cared enough for Hoss to tell him that she fantasized about running away. Hoss truly cared for Maura, too. He was a much better prospective boyfriend than Bill.

It’s insidious how he tries to sell the notion that Maura was always camping alone with me when all my kids would go with me on every trip and no kid ever went alone. He gets this from my former sister-in-law who is his twin in spirit as exemplified by her claiming that Maura and I would share a tent when camping when she very well knows there was always the girls tent and the equipment tent which doubled as my quarters.  She referred to me as being “odd” but why then did she let her own daughters go vacationing with us numerous times? She mentions an argument during which he “really reamed her” when no such event ever took place. Screaming at kids is counter productive and is not how I’ve ever handled anything at any time. Her characterizing herself as Maura’s confidant and frequent advisor is intellectually dishonest.

Maura's aunt was heartbroken that Maura disappeared. Maura preferred to spend holidays with her instead of Fred and family. There are pictures of Maura all over her house. She dislikes Fred, perhaps, because she didn't like that he picked up her sister, Laurie, from a park when she was 15 and he was in college.

Tim Carpenter has never been considered the brightest bulb on any circuit to begin with. He  severely compounded that status with a progressively increasing alcoholic debilitation reportedly resulting in borderline incompetence and near death last year.  You need look no further than the bizarre “drunk and naked on a mountain top” statement he made to see there’s not much left.  Ironically, Carpenter himself has been mentioned concerning a yet unresolved highly suspicious incident in nearby Warren, New Hampshire, in April of 2004.

This Warren thing is a conspiracy theory pushed about online, the gist of which is that someone claimed to see Tim hastily dumping things in the woods of New Hampshire. Tim, when I met him, was sober. And I have never made public the things he told me in confidence because they were deeply personal and only for him to share with family.

I don't know. Look, I feel bad for Fred for many reasons. And it makes me feel crummy to ever say a bad word about him. But these things he's saying are simply untrue, and he knows it. Anybody that provides me with information about the case is liar? They twists words for an agenda? There's an easier explanation, I think.

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