When I visited Fred's old house in Weymouth a few years ago, I discovered a few very odd things. Firstly, at the time of Maura's disappearance, the bank had a lien on the home due to unpaid taxes. Fred was living there with his brother. And one or both of them were hoarders of the nth degree. Windows looked in on a kitchen where dog food cans and empty 24-pack boxes of Coors were piled four-feet-high - literally to the kitchen countertops.
There was an outbuilding that had recently collapsed, and near it were piles of old mail and magazines addressed to Fred. Among them was the adult magazine in which I found xeroxed photographs of young girls tucked inside the pages -- the girls turned out to be Fred's cousins.
Next to the magazines was a municipal map of the small town of Killarney, Ireland. At some point near the time of Maura's disappearance, a member of the Murray family took a trip there. It seems an odd place and location to travel for a vacation and I've always wondered about this. It's another question that could easily be answered by the family but to date they've said nothing about it.