Channel: My Search for Maura Murray
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So How Did Maura Steal the Credit Card?

Here's another question that remains unanswered.

How did Maura get her hands on the credit card number she stole from the student at UMass, which she used to order food?

As you may recall, at the time of her disappearance, Maura Murray was in trouble with the local police and prosecutors of Hadley, Mass, for credit card fraud.

When the police confronted her during their pizza-delivery-sting at Kennedy Hall, Maura admitted to stealing another girl's credit card number. She said she got it off a receipt she found in the trash. But when police located the receipt, the number was not on it. They asked Maura to give them the paper she kept the number on, and when she handed it over to police, they noticed there were several other numbers on there as well.

It's important to note, here, too that for those in favor of the "Maura is still alive" theory, this incident shows she is comfortable with stealing someone else's identity.

So, in 2004, how would someone like Maura get that credit card number? The best I can think of is by going through someone's purse at a gym.

Any other thoughts?

Let's Take One Last Look at Who Maura Called Before She Disappeared **UPDATED**


Here is a screen grab of Maura Murray's last cell phone bill.

It's been posted before, but many years ago. If you feel like doing a little sleuthing, perhaps you can figure out who/where Maura was calling just before she disappeared.

The New City number is her boyfriend, but the others, I believe, have never been 100% identified.

I will edit this post with the results.

An anonymous sleuther from the Netherlands did an extensive investigation into these numbers a couple years ago and developed a more detailed list of Maura's final phone bill. Here is the pdf:

2015 Poll: What Happened to Maura Murray?

Out of curiosity, let's take a new poll to see what the current leading theory is.

You can place your vote to the left.

A Stalker Returns *** UPDATED: TIES TO MAURA? ***


This is weird and disturbing and may or may not have to do with Maura Murray so I'm just going to lay it out there in chronological order:

Back in 2013, someone began sending me disturbing emails. I get a lot of threatening emails, but these were a little worse than usual.

Murray was a white trash ho.   Fucked the entire track team, including her "assistant track" coach (who is apparently now in Taiwan, putting that PhD of his to good use designing sneakers-I am sure it galled him to give up all of that  white, American, undergrad poontang, poor guy), and lord knows who else at UMASS and in the surrounding community. 
Something tells me she is still alive and the greek ho knows all of this.    It's a shame the cops can't water board her, 'cause requesting information from  her nicely doesn't seem to be getting the job done.

All these messages were coming in from clemens21r@aol.com

We tried to find out who was behind clemens21r@aol.com but he covered his tracks well. An IT guy backtracked his IP, only to discover he was using proxies and encrypting everything he did, online. All we could tell was that this same person had been put on a RIPE list in the Netherlands for some kind of illegal or threatening activity overseas.

Then I was contacted by a very frightened escort from New Jersey who sent me the screen caps of a conversation with a potential client (the images are above), who first used the clemens21r@aol.com email to communicate.

John Green did some digging and found that the emails were bouncing around a relay in an empty field in Wichita. Others traced the emails to Canada.

He went away for awhile. Then, last week, clemens21r@aol.com returned. "Look into Michelle Church," he said.

tee-hee!!!  Michelle Church holds the KEY to all!!!
P.S.  She is an adulterer ya know....ya might want to bring that up when you interview her...just sayin'!  ;)  Also, make sure to ask her what she did with that baby name book I gave to her! :)  Goodbye Jimbo.....I am off to masturbate while thinking of you.  ;)  tee-hee!: )

And this.

CHOO CHOO!!!  the Fuckbuddy Express is getting ready to chug right on through your town, Jimbo.
We learned today that this man goes by the name Douglas Morrison, from Whiting, NJ. Before that, he lived in Greenville, SC. I spoke to him on the phone. He admitted it.

I've had a lot of fun with you, Jimmy. It doesn't have to end.

For anyone saying I'm in this for the money, there are easier and safer ways to make a buck.

Some people have found a possible connection to UMass and West Point. I am attempting to verify this information.

Was the $4,000 for tuition?

Still thinking about the $4,000 in cash Fred Murray brought with him to UMass Amherst the weekend before Maura went missing. He said it was to go toward a new car but there are several problems with this explanation. 1. Nobody else remembers them saying they were looking for a car. 2. Why not write a check? Perhaps the real explanation has been staring us in the face for 11 years. Was it a tuition payment?

Back in 2004, tuition at UMass Amhert (with room and board) was just shy of $14,000. Students could pay in installments and it was much easier for the student to pay, rather than the parent.

If Fred gave Maura the $4,000 to deliver to UMass Bursars on Monday, but she ran off with it instead, it would go a long way to explain why Fred was reluctant to talk about the events leading up to her disappearance, and he would have to come up with a story for the cash that didn't put it in her hands. Why get her in trouble for theft when she was still missing?

It Is Still Easy to Disappear in This Country


A woman's car found on the side of the road. Personal items left in the car. Missing woman is under investigation for theft. Family believes she was taken by a dirtbag...

Sound familiar?

This is the case of Michelle McMullen, who walked away from her life and managed to remain hidden for three years, without leaving the country.

Now, imagine Michelle was trained by the military on survival techniques and had a sister who worked for a CIA contractor. She'd do a little better than McMullen, I think.

(thank you to constant reader, Corey for reminding me about this story.)

Majority of Readers Believe Maura Ran Away

When I began researching this case in 2011, the majority of people believed Maura was the victim of foul play. Since then, this blog has uncovered new facts and information that suggest otherwise: credit fraud, theft from Fort Knox, uncooperative witnesses, an affair with a track coach (during which she spoke about running away), problems with her father, sightings of Maura with her friends an hour before the crash, etc.

Now, 55% of the people who responded to the recent poll believe Maura ran away.

I think if you look at all the circumstantial evidence, it is clear that was her intention when she left Umass: to leave and never come back.

But what happened after the accident in Haverhill? How did that alter her plan?

How would we view this case if she hadn't crashed into the snowbank?

Let's Make a Better Wiki


Maura Murray's official wikipedia page needs some work and attention. I'm not much of a wiki person. But if you have some the interest and the ability, please take some time this week to make it a little better. Some of the new clues and information (including credit fraud, etc.) should be added.

On the 11th Anniversary of Maura Murray's Disappearance, Here Are the Top 5 New Clues This Blog Has Uncovered.

What Is the Connection to Killarney, Ireland?

When I visited Fred's old house in Weymouth a few years ago, I discovered a few very odd things. Firstly, at the time of Maura's disappearance, the bank had a lien on the home due to unpaid taxes. Fred was living there with his brother. And one or both of them were hoarders of the nth degree. Windows looked in on a kitchen where dog food cans and empty 24-pack boxes of Coors were piled four-feet-high - literally to the kitchen countertops.

There was an outbuilding that had recently collapsed, and near it were piles of old mail and magazines addressed to Fred. Among them was the adult magazine in which I found xeroxed photographs of young girls tucked inside the pages -- the girls turned out to be Fred's cousins.

Next to the magazines was a municipal map of the small town of Killarney, Ireland. At some point near the time of Maura's disappearance, a member of the Murray family took a trip there. It seems an odd place and location to travel for a vacation and I've always wondered about this. It's another question that could easily be answered by the family but to date they've said nothing about it.

This is Not a Family Looking for Answers

God forbid I should ever know what it's like to lose a loved one. Everyone grieves in their own way. But the Murrays have responded to the disappearance of their youngest daughter and sister in a very unusual way from the beginning and it is apparent to me that they simply do not want answers in this case any more.

I think of the parents and siblings of people like Holly Bobo and Amy Mihaljevic and Molly Bish, who have been relentless and involved with the search for their loved one. And then I consider the Murrays.

- Their is no organized online effort to find Maura. The "official" website is run by a woman who has no direct relation to the family (even though she calls herself an "aunt").

- Maura's mother was never involved with the searches in the weeks after her daughter disappeared.

- Some of Maura's siblings had very little to do with the searches.

- Fred's efforts to find his daughter were staged in the first year of the search. According to his former son-in-law and two volunteer searchers, Fred would sleep in, then go for a jog, then get breakfast, and then organize a short search for Maura, then return to the bar and hotel. When the cameras showed up, he acted manic, as if he needed to find her NOW. But when they left, he fiddled around. "If that were my daughter, I'd have been up at the crack of dawn," said his son-in-law.

- Most families of the missing release any and all information, in an effort to find their loved ones. The Murrays are very select about releasing clues, especially sightings. A cashier in Woodsville believes she saw Maura with two friends at the grocery store an hour before the accident. Fred knew about this credible sighting for 10 years. While they released other unlikely sightings, they never released this one.

- Maura's brother, Kurt, wrote a song in 2010, dedicated to Maura in which he says he believes she ran away to start a better life after something bad happened.

- Before I began this blog, Fred made it clear he did not want a book written about his daughter's case. He has asked several of Maura's friends to not talk to reporters.

- Instead of cooperating with police, Fred refused to speak to state detectives for two years and when he did, he brought two lawyers with him. He sued the state to get records in an effort to find out what they knew but refused to share info with them.

- Fred lied about the events of the weekend before Maura went missing. He lied to police and reporters, especially about how and when Maura arrived back at his motel and the sequence of events that occurred after she got there.

Fred's actions suggest his motivation to find his daughter was to find her before the police did.

This is not normal behavior.

Cleveland Sighting

Law enforcement confirms, it is not Maura Murray.

Hacker Making the Rounds

As you may have noticed, I recently had to modify the comments section of this website due to threatening messages and libelous statements. If you are a member of this blog, you can still comment. I believe the aim of this person or persons was to take this website down.

In the last couple days, someone has attempted to hack my personal email, as well, using a sophisticated code inside an email attachment. My gmail account remains uncorrupted. I do not understand the motivation or timing.

Did UMass Police Use Maura Murray as Confidential Informant?


UMass police are currently caught up in a unbelievable scandal, according to the Boston Globe. Seems the university cops were in the habit of cutting deals with students they caught doing illegal things, if they would narc on their peers. It all came out when one of their confidential informants (whom they could have helped by notifying therapists and parents) overdosed and died.

At the time Maura disappeared, she had cut a deal with a local judge after UMass police caught her in a credit card fraud sting.

I wonder. Was she providing them with the names of other students involved in identity theft?



I'm still gathering info on this, but it's the best lead I've seen for months, and all but confirms my suspicion that Maura was traveling in tandem with another driver the day she disappeared. The witness is credible and has reason to remember her.

More very soon.

Major Announcement Coming Soon

New Article Explores the Dangers of Investigating Cold Cases Like Maura's Disappearance


I have a new article for Cracked.com today, in which I talk about some of the weird things that have happened to me while investigating Maura's disappearance and other cold cases.

Check it out.

Last Chance to Contribute to the Book

We've begun the editing process for the book and soon there will be a final draft and this will be set it stone. It looks like it will be in bookstores sometime next Spring/Summer (I'll have a date, soon).

If you have something important that you would like to share, some piece you've been keeping that might help the investigation if shared with readers, now's kind of the last chance to come forward.

Email me at jameswrenner@gmail.com

The Best New Sightings

In the last few weeks, I've received two very intriguing new sightings, one of which I kept quiet about for a bit so that the cold case unit could pull some video. But enough time has passed that I can share.

The first sighting occurred in March, 2004, just a few weeks after Maura disappeared. The tip comes from someone who was just a kid ten years ago. He remembers being home with his Aunt when a woman showed up at the house, frightened out of her mind, and pleaded to come in for a little bit. She said she was running from some men. The aunt let her in and she stayed for a while that day. Ten years later, this person was watching a collection of unsolved mysteries videos on YouTube and saw Maura Murray's picture. He believes the woman who came to the house that day was Maura.

This happened in Pittsburg, New Hampshire, near Back Lake, which is coincidentally on the border of Canada, very near Sherbrooke, where Maura has been sighted in the past.

The second sighting occurred just a couple weeks ago, in Tallahassee, Florida. A couple was vacationing there and stopped at a gas station. The woman noticed a vehicle there with temporary plates from Quebec. Her husband saw a woman who looked like Maura inside. The police were interested in getting the video right away.

More on that Back Lake sighting


I really like this new sighting from the Back Lake area of Pittsburg, NH.

The witness was about 10 when this occurred so the event was probably not fully understood. What he remembered was that this woman showed up, looking for a place to hide from a couple men. He believes, after seeing Maura Murray's photo, that it was her. He says his aunt believes it was her as well, though I am still hoping to speak to the aunt directly.

There are a number of cheap rental lodges around Back Lake. And they are open for business in February.

Is it possible Maura was staying at one of these lodges for a bit?

Did somebody come looking for her, causing her to have to wait to return to the lodge until they were gone?
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