Channel: My Search for Maura Murray
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Request for Leads

Let's find someone who worked at Domino's in 2004.

First person who can locate a verified employee from February 2004 will get an advanced copy of the book, a month before release.

Fred Murray Points Finger at Local Police in New Video


The new video of Fred Murray is up at Unsolved.com It is not an interview, but a recap of the case by Fred. It's interesting to see how close he comes to naming a policeman as a suspect in his daughter's disappearance -- a recent theory that has taken on some popularity lately, but is completely without merit.

What do you think? He's still lying about Maura's history at West Point and UMass. It would be interesting for a genuine reporter to ask Fred and friends some real questions one day.

The Domino's Weirdness


So the more I think about the call to Domino's the night Maura had her breakdown at work, the more I grow concerned. Here's why.

- According to what we know, Domino's probably closed at 3 a.m. that night and yet Maura is calling at 3:40 a.m. She speaks to someone for two minutes.

- A few months prior, Maura got caught using a stolen credit card number to order food from several local pizza joints. This SAME Domino's was one of those restaurants. According to police reports, the managers of this Domino's know about this. At this time she is on thin ice - a judge has told her that her larceny record will be expunged if she stays out of trouble for six months. And yet we're to believe she called Domino's to order food? Why on earth would she go back to a restaurant she stole from?

- We still don't know HOW Maura got that stolen credit card number. She told the police it was on a receipt she found in the trash but the detective were able to quickly prove that was not true. What if she wasn't the person who stole the number in the first place? What if someone at Domino's took a credit card order, kept the number and passed it to Maura? That at least would explain why she would feel comfortable calling Domino's again after all this.

* We still have not located an employee of the Amherst Domino's from 2004.

The One Theory This Blog Won't Debate

I'm all for earnest discussion when it can lead to some new piece of information or perspective. But this recent debate about police involvement in Maura's disappearance - brought on in no small part by Fred Murray's coy suggestions during the Unsolved piece - is pointless.

I've spoken to John Monaghan and Cecil Smith. Both are intelligent and compassionate men. Capable policemen. And above suspicion.

Maura's disappearance has nothing to do with a shady law enforcement conspiracy theory. It is a distraction and only gets us farther from the truth.

No comment will be approved that suggests otherwise.

I've Won An Important First Step Towards Getting Records Related to Petrit Vasi's Accident


The wheels of justice turn slowly.

I've been quietly trying for the better part of a year, now, to gain access to the full file on Petrit Vasi's accident, which occurred the night of Maura Murray's breakdown shortly before she disappeared. Some have suggested Maura was responsible for the accident or that she let someone (a pizza delivery driver, perhaps) borrow her car and it was that person who struck Vasi. Personally, I don't think this is the case. I think it's a totally unrelated accident and the timing is coincidental. However, I'm all for due diligence. Let's see the reports.

However, the records secretary at the Amherst Police Department -- Cpt. Jennifer Gunderson -- told me the full file was not available because it was "an open and active investigation." That raised some red flags for me as an old-school journalist. Vasi's case cannot be open and active because there is no chance for prosecution, as the statute of limitations for a hit and run (if that's even what it was) has long since expired.

So in September, I filed for redress. And finally yesterday, I received a notice in the mail that the Commonwealth of Massachusetts also believes Amherst PD have been playing fast and loose with open records laws. The police department must respond within 10 days.

I'll keep you posted.

***UPDATE*** The Curious Case of Howard Godfrey


Well. You know where I stand with Maura's case. I believe she's alive and in hiding, somewhere. I think the window of opportunity for any sort of abduction to have happened is too small. But I'm going to share this story to see if it kicks up any new leads or connections.

Have you heard of Howard Godfrey?

Godfrey is a likely serial killer who got caught after he tried to kill and kidnap a woman in his Vermont home in 1996. He served about five years in prison for the crime. At the time, police collected Godfrey's DNA. Years later, the victim's mother in that case began to suspect Godfrey was guilty of other crimes and pushed police to run his DNA against other crimes. His DNA matched sperm collected in the 1991 cold case murder of Patricia Scoville, who was assaulted during a hike near Moss Glen Falls in Stowe, Vermont.

At the time of Maura Murray's disappearance, Godfrey was living in Kirby, Vermont, not too far from the location of Maura's accident. He had his own small business installing windows and doors and drove a white pickup truck.

So, what's the possible connection, other than location?

I was contacted yesterday by a woman who told me how Godfrey was living above her in-laws garage at the time he was arrested for Scoville's murder, in 2008. The police had to give a warrant and records pertaining to the search of the property to her family. The records note everything they took from Godfrey's apartment. Among the items listed was an old issue of The Caledonian Record. This woman then went to the archives to figure out what was interesting about that specific issue and discovered that, on that date, the top story in the newspaper was about the FBI joining the search for Maura Murray.

Godfrey died in prison - of natural causes.

Does anyone from Haverhill, Bath, Franconia remember this guy working in the area in 2004?

Lots of information coming in about this man, today.

Some new bits:
- Godfrey and his wife once owned a cleaning business called Stowe Dustbusters, which cleaned rental properties in Stowe for All Seasons Rentals. However, this was prior to his first conviction in 1996. At the time of Maura's disappearance he had his doors and windows business in Orleans, Vermont - but he also often did business in New Hampshire. He was living in Kirby.

- Godfrey was definitely not in prison from 2000 - 2005.

- The story about the newspaper probably checks out (and he had another copy of the same article in his truck) but the exact article is still not 100% clear (though I should have an answer on that soon.)

- According to a source close to the Scoville investigation, Godfrey has been looked at for links to both Maura's disappearance and Brianna Maitland. A trooper was assigned specifically to find any link between Maura and Godfrey early on (probably 2005/2006) but no clear link was found then and the trooper is reported to have said they "had a better suspect" for Maura.

- I would be interested to know if any one contracted with this guy for doors/windows in New Hampshire in 2004.

New Video & Podcasts Came Out This Week **UPDATED**


A famous Norwegian psychic provides his thoughts on Maura Murray's fate in a newly released video.

Also, Lance and Tim released two new episodes for their Missing Maura Murray podcast. It's another interview with John Smith, and theories about the rag in the tailpipe and oddities in Haverhill.

Download them here.

Just a reminder, I will not approve comments that get into the conspiracy theory of police involvement in Maura's disappearance. It is a waste of time and muddies the waters.

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas to the frequent readers and commenters of this little blog.

And a Happy New Year - I believe in 2016 that we will finally see closure to this case, one way or another.

True Crime Addict Available to Preorder


TRUE CRIME ADDICT, the definitive book on the Maura Murray case, will finally hit bookstores May 24. But you can preorder it now at your local bookstore or through these online booksellers:

I will be visiting Boston, UMass, and New Hampshire on a short book tour in early June. More details soon.

City of Amherst Denies Petrit Vasi Records, Again

My appeals for information related to Petrit Vasi's accident are progressing, slowly.

Just before the holidays, the Amherst Police Department's records secretary, Jennifer Gundersen, replied to my official petition for redress. This is where the Amherst police department had to explain to the state's Public Records Supervisor why they were not releasing records about an 11-year-old case. The majority of Gundersen's argument was that they could not release Vasi's name because it would violate HIPAA laws -- which is only a distraction and not the meat of my argument to getting the records anyway. I have no issue with them redacting Vasi's name, which is what they want to do with the incident reports.

What I really want are the investigatory notes of the officers assigned to investigate Vasi's accident, which may have been a hit-and-run which occurred the night Maura Murray had a breakdown at work, just before she ran away to the White Mountains. Here's Gundersen's response to that:

They claim not to be able to release the records because it's part of an ongoing investigation. My hunch is that this is untrue. It's an easy excuse some departments make to skirt open records laws. In fact, as they are treating it as a hit-and-run, they cannot possibly consider it an open and active case because the statute of limitations has long since expired for such a crime. There is no chance of prosecution in this case. As such, it cannot be open.

Anyway, I have appealed this, again. More soon.

Seeking an Attorney in Massachusetts

I get a sense Amherst is going to draw a line in the sand over these records regarding Petrit Vasi's accident. My new appeal will probably roll on for another month or so before the town has to officially respond. Once that appeal is exhausted, I'd like to file suit to compel them to release these public records.

So... who's up for the challenge? Any readers out there pass the bar in Mass?

**UPDATE** Amherst Doubles-Down on Petrit Vasi Case

Here's the response from Amherst, today. The Petrit Vasi hit and run is "open and active" even though the statute of limitations has expired. Also, for some reason they think it happened in August and not February.

A lot of talk about how the statute of limitations freezes if a suspect leaves the jurisdiction. This is not true the way it is being stated. The clock freezes only after a suspect is charged or a warrant is issued, and there is no evidence such a thing has happened here. What I think we're dealing with is a very stubborn person in a position of a little power.

Amherst Police Department Says Maura Murray's Credit Card Theft Investigation Is Not A Public Record Either


What is going on over at the Amherst Police Department?

Records secretary Jennifer Gundersen is now telling other journalists that they cannot have records related to Maura Murray's illegal use of a credit card and identity theft which she got busted for a couple months before she disappeared.

Why? Because it's not a public record.

Except it was public record when I requested it years ago. They gave me the full file, including her mug shot. Here it is.

How exactly does a record become public and then, retro-actively, not a record?

Is there new evidence in the case... or do we have a public servant unwilling to follow the law?

I Don't Support the Petition

A couple weeks ago, a petition was started by Wolfman to have the F.B.I. look into Maura Murray's disappearance. The family's official Facebook account is supporting this initiative, too. However, I am not linking to it. Why?

Well, for about a billion reasons.

Mostly, though, because the FBI have been involved since about day 2. They did some investigation on the case and -- I strongly believe -- continue to do a little consulting with police on it to this day. I've spoken to an FBI agent in Boston who worked on the case. But Fred Murray and others have made it a kind of battle cry -- getting the FBI to "take over" the case from New Hampshire State Police. I think it's nothing but a distraction.

So, I'm not sure what they're trying to accomplish when the F.B.I. have been involved since 2004. Do they want them to get "really, really extra" involved?

Part of it, too, is to support this notion that local law enforcement had something to do with Maura's disappearance. That idea is simply ludicrous.

The petition is not going to change anything. You know what will? Fred Murray, Kate Markopoulos, and Sara Alfieri answering some basic questions about the weekend leading up to Maura's disappearance. That would be more helpful to figuring out what happened to Maura than a hundred meaningless petitions.

KF Joins the Hunt

Exclusive: Petrit Vasi Says Maura Murray Connection is "Far Fetched"

At long last, I spoke to Petrit Vasi, today. The conversation was brief but quite revealing.

"I never met Maura Murray," he says. "We didn't know each other. I've heard this theory, that she may have been involved. But I think it's very far-fetched."

He remembers nothing of the accident, itself. He knows he was at a bar at Triangle and Mattoon around 12:20 a.m. And he remembers waking up months later. His body was found in the street and it appeared he'd been struck by a vehicle.

"There was a snowstorm that night. Lots of snow coming down," he recalls.

And what of the "investigation" into the hit and run?

"I have never spoken to police. Not once. I don't even know if it's an open case."

**UPDATE** Are We Really Still Debating the Crash?


It boggles the mind that we're still debating the circumstances of Maura Murray's car accident in Haverhill. Did she hit a tree? Did she hit another car? Was the car towed earlier in the day? We answered these questions many many years ago.

Maura most likely impacted the north side of the curve across from the weathered barn, as explained by an EMT who was on the scene shortly after the accident.

Dick Guy saw that the snowbank on that corner was sheered off that night. It explains the damage to the car and - more important - the placement of the car, as hitting that corner would have spun her around and deposited the vehicle where it ended up - on the south side, facing back the way she'd come.

Nobody ever said she hit a tree. Early on, it was thought she hit a tree. There's confusion about this, I think, because the family puts a memorial ribbon on a tree near the accident site. But, no, she never hit a tree. She couldn't have. The snowbanks were too high.

She never crashed into another vehicle, earlier in the day. There would have been evidence of this - paint, metal, something from the other vehicle on Maura's Saturn.

The accident, itself, is the least mysterious part of this entire case, in my opinion.

Yes, Cecil Smith's report states that he was told by the dispatcher that Maura's car had hit a tree. That was the assumption going to the accident site. Smith's report says there was evidence this is what happened. However, when found, Maura's Saturn was partly in the Eastbound lane. Anyone familiar with the crash site in Winter will understand how impossible it would be for the car to have crossed over the five-foot high wall of snow and ice to impact a tree twenty feet away and then cross back.

This is why Dick Guy first took issue with the report and spoke up about the evidence he saw at the crash site that night.

I have since spoken to several Haverhill officers and witnesses. The overwhelming majority do not believe she hit a tree. There was no tree that showed damage from impact. It is physically impossible.

In my mind, debating this point is akin to debating the magic bullet that killed Kennedy.

FBI Says They're Already Investigating the Case

I hate to be that guy, but remember when I told you the FBI have been on this case since day 2, and the petition is all a needless distraction? Yeah...

The FBI, meanwhile maintains it is already aiding in the investigation. 
“The FBI is assisting New Hampshire Sate Police and we’re going to defer to them as they are the lead agency,” spokesman Kristen Setera of the Boston FBI office said in a prepared statement this week. “Due to the fact that there is an ongoing investigation, we have to decline further comment.”

The Beginner's Guide to the Maura Murray Case


Are you new to the bizarre mystery of Maura Murray's disappearance? Did you find your way into this dark corner of the Internet after binging on Serial and Making a Murderer? Don't know where to begin? Let's get you up to speed.

Maura Murray vanished from the side of the road in Haverhill, New Hampshire, on February 9, 2004. At the time, she was a nursing student at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. For the basic facts of the case, nothing beats Wikipedia. Start there.

Okay. Now a quick history lesson on this blog. My name's James Renner. I'm an author and journalist from Ohio who has written about unsolved mysteries for many years. I started this blog in 2011 as a way to generate new leads and clues about Maura's disappearance while writing a book on the case, which comes out May 24, 2016.

Before I became involved in the case, Maura was made out to be the "All-American Girl." But Maura, like all of us, was more complicated than that. Here are a list of things I've uncovered in my research that provided new perspective:

- She was about to be engaged to Bill Rausch, whom she met as a cadet at West Point, but had been cheating on him with her UMass track coach. He claims Maura spoke about running away to Mexico to start a new life.

- Her father, Fred Murray, refused to be interviewed by homicide detectives for 2 1/2 years and when he finally agreed to meet, he brought lawyers. 

 - Fred Murray has lied to police and reporters about the events leading up to his daughter's disappearance. 

- A search warrant suggests someone tried to call Maura from New Hampshire just before she disappeared.

- Maura participated in orgies with a close friend and members of the track team at UMass. At least one of the men involved has been questioned in her disappearance.

- Maura's friends, Kate Markopoulos and Sara Alfieri have not been honest about a late-night party at UMass, two nights before Maura disappeared.

- Maura left West Point to avoid an expulsion after she got caught stealing from Fort Knox.

- Maura and Bill's phone records from the weeks surrounding the disappearance only lead to more questions.

- On the anniversary of Maura's disappearance, a man named Alden Olson uploaded this disturbing video to YouTube. After I identified Olson, he posted pictures of my 3 year old son online and threatened me. Prosecutor Steven Gagne declined to press charges, saying they'd have a much better case if Olson showed up at my door.

A couple more things.

From the beginning, I have shared the police reports and documents I've gathered with everyone. You can read through everything here.

There is also a very addicting podcast dedicated to the case, called Missing Maura Murray.

There are several other blogs and websites but the best are:

You should feel free to comment on this blog, as well. Because of the number of trolls who gather around this case, I have to approve every comment. Comments will not be approved if they reference uncharged suspects or are threatening or mean.

4 Million Views and Counting!


As of last week, this blog has been viewed over 4 million times since it was launched in 2011.

Thank you to all the constant readers as well as the new fans of this mystery who have recently wandered into this dark corner of Internet!

Hopefully, this case can be closed in 2016.

James Renner

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