Channel: My Search for Maura Murray
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New York Times Reviews True Crime Addict!

The New York Times reviews True Crime Addict in this Sunday's print edition!

"Shamelessly entertaining," says Marilyn Stasio.

"James Renner is just plain fun to read."

Grab a copy on Sunday. You can also read it, now, here.

Rumsfeld Ordered Review Of Sexual Assault in Military the Day of Maura's Breakdown


On Thursday, February 5, 2004, Maura suffered some kind of mental breakdown during work at the security desk of Melville Hall. Her supervisor discovered her in a "catatonic state." The only thing she would say was "my sister."

The same source who provided new insight into Maura's crash in Hadley just pointed me toward an interesting coincidence. On Feb 5, 2004, Donald Rumsfeld ordered a 90-day review of sexual assault on female soldiers in the military. The review focused on female soldiers already in Iraq and Afghanistan. But this investigation would ultimately kick up stories of sexual assault at West Point and other military institutions. There were Congressional hearings. It was a big deal.

Later investigations would show that at the time Maura was at West Point, at least 6% of the female cadets were sexually assaulted and 62% were sexually harassed.

How did this news affect Maura? We do know she knew at least one man from West Point who was later accused of sexual assault: her boyfriend, Bill Rausch.

Was Maura with Kate Just Before She Left UMass?

I'm taking another close look at the phone records for Bill Rausch and Maura Murray, from the day Maura disappeared, and I found a sequence of calls that is interesting.

According to Bill, he was "out in the field" helping with some kind of training exercise at Fort Sill. But apparently, there was cell phone reception out there because he's busy calling Maura all morning. She's not returning his calls. Then, at 2 p.m. EST, Maura sends this email to Bill:

Subject: hey hey
To: "Bill Rausch"

I love you more stud
I got your messages, but honestly, i didn't feel like talking to much of anyone, i promise
to call today though
love you

Bill ignores this and calls her cell phone again. Maura doesn't answer. So at 2:18 EST, he calls Kate Markopoulos's room at UMass, twice in one minute. Seconds later, Maura calls Billy back but he's still connected to Kate's room so the call goes to voicemail.

Bill then immediately calls Maura's cell again. Three times. She doesn't answer.

A couple take-aways: there was some stress between Maura and Bill that day. And Maura is only prompted to call him once he calls Kate. Did Kate tell Maura? Why wouldn't she talk to Maura if Maura's boyfriend was calling from Fort Sill - obviously Billy really wanted to get a message to Maura. Was Maura in Kate's room - is that how she knew he was calling at that moment?

But what happened next? That is the question.

Again, phone records show that Bill is petty consistently making phone calls that day (he made a LOT of calls, to West Point professors and former girlfriends and family members) and that alone suggests he could not have been in the White Mountains, where cell phone service is scarce to this day.

A year ago, I asked Bill about his alibi. Here's the email he sent back.

As previously discussed with you and confirmed by authorities in NH while I was on the ground searching for Maura after she went missing, I was at Fort Sill, OK the day Maura went missing to include the weeks in advance. The last time I saw her was during the holiday season.

Understanding that you need to confirm, please reference the information below.

- From June 2003-June 2004 I was assigned as the Executive Officer (XO) to Charlie Battery, 1-19th Field Artillery at Fort Sill, OK.

Two individuals who can confirm that I was at work when Maura went missing and that I was unable to leave until the Army gave me permission are:

1. Senior Drill Sergeant Robert Ramos -- assigned to Charlie Battery, 1-19th FA and in charge of operations and all Drill Sergeants assigned to the unit.
2. LT Nate Mayfield -- roommate at the time

Nate Mayfield and Robert Ramos have not returned emails or phone calls asking to confirm.

One bit of interesting info that just came to light: records show that Bill was part of the Information Operations Task Force. In 2005, journalists discovered that American soldiers were writing propaganda in support of the unjustified war in Iraq and funneling it through private groups which then helped to place the articles in foreign newspapers.

As the Los Angeles Times put it:
As part of an information offensive in Iraq, the U.S. military is secretly paying Iraqi newspapers to publish stories written by American troops in an effort to burnish the image of the U.S. mission in Iraq.
On his RallyPoint page, Rausch is listed as working for the IOTF in 2006.

Prior to this Rausch was stationed at Fort Trotten as part of the 301st battalion, part of the 151st Theater Information Operations Group, which was tasked with "synchronizing related capabilities comprised of five core functions: electronic warfare, military deception, psychological operations, operational security, and computer network operations."

Psychological operations is known as PSYOPS in the field. PSYOPS create spin, "to influence, disrupt, corrupt or usurp adversarial human and automated decision making while protecting our own." In the past they have attempted to infiltrate American media as well, most notably getting caught at CNN and NPR.

You can read more about this sort of thing in this article from Christopher Hitchens at Slate.

Records Show Bill Rausch Was Part of an Elite Military Propaganda Unit

The truth about the Information Operations Task Force came to light in 2005 when journalists discovered that American soldiers were writing propaganda in support of the unjustified war in Iraq and funneling it through private groups which then helped to place the articles in foreign newspapers.

As the Los Angeles Times put it:
As part of an information offensive in Iraq, the U.S. military is secretly paying Iraqi newspapers to publish stories written by American troops in an effort to burnish the image of the U.S. mission in Iraq.
On his RallyPoint page, Rausch is listed as working for the IOTF in 2006.

Prior to this Rausch was stationed at Fort Trotten as part of the 301st battalion, part of the 151st Theater Information Operations Group, which was tasked with "synchronizing related capabilities comprised of five core functions: electronic warfare, military deception, psychological operations, operational security, and computer network operations."

Psychological operations is known as PSYOPS in the field. PSYOPS create spin, "to influence, disrupt, corrupt or usurp adversarial human and automated decision making while protecting our own." In the past they have attempted to infiltrate American media as well, most notably getting caught at CNN and NPR.

You can read more about this sort of thing in this article from Christopher Hitchens at Slate.

Live from CrimeCon

Here's the video from the Missing Maura Murray panel at CrimeCon.

Bill Rausch Was Accused of Pushing a Woman in a D.C. Metro Station

I'm just now reading about the arrest of Eric Bellquist, who police believe pushed a woman toward a bus while jogging on a London bridge. It's a curious case and by all accounts unprovoked. But it's by no means an isolated incident. Why do some men do this?

This article from The Independent talks about the odd assaults and includes a similar incident that happened to the author, who says the man who pushed her was full of rage.

As I first reported in 2016, Bill Rausch was accused of a similar assault in DC. Rausch was Maura Murray's boyfriend at the time of her disappearance (and has a pretty solid alibi for the day she disappeared - evidence suggests he was at Fort Sill, half a country away).

Rausch left his office job at Ray Group International in D.C. after women in the office came forward with claims that he assaulted a female coworker in the President's office after a night of drinking.

Prior to that, the alleged victim claimed that Rausch pushed her down the stairs in a Metro station. When confronted at the office, he said it wasn't him. But during the night of the second assault, according to her, he brought up the incident and said it was him at the Metro station.

Like much of this confounding case, I don't know what to make of this behavior. 

Another Woman Comes Forward With Allegations About Bill Rausch's Alarming Behavior **UPDATE**


If you've seen the trailer for tomorrow's episode of The Disappearance of Maura Murray, there's a clip of me saying I believe Maura ran away from the men in here life. But what was so bad that she'd run away? Was she really that afraid of someone?

At the time of her disappearance, she was dating Bill Rausch. Rausch has a good alibi. He says he was in the field at Fort Sill, where he was stationed - though he was apparently able to make many cell phone calls while training newbies.

My first impression of Bill was a very likeable guy. We talked at length on the phone one day and he seemed genuine. But since then, several women have come forward claiming there is another side to him he doesn't show to men.

Around Saint Patrick's Day, 2011, Bill is alleged to have sexually assaulted a coworker in the office of the president of Ray Group International, a D.C. firm. There was an internal investigation and he was never able to return to work in the office. The woman who claims he assaulted her, also claims Bill pushed her down the stairs at a Metro station and pretended it wasn't him.

I have spoken to high school girlfriends - whom he called the day Maura disappeared - and I was told Bill had a reputation even before he met Maura of being rough with women.

Yesterday I was contacted by another woman who witnessed a darker side of Bill. I have chosen to take down the details of this encounter but reserve the right to repost in the future. Either it's important to the case - in which case, the police should have time to investigate, or it's a personal encounter that further supports what the women from Ray Group have already said.

I encourage any other person with info about Bill (or anyone else involved in this case) to take this opportunity to come forward and share what they know with law enforcement.

If There Was a Tandem Driver, Nobody Has an Alibi

The only thing I'm sure of, in my heart of hearts, is that Maura was traveling with a tandem driver the night she disappeared.

Lately, though, I've started to wonder if the goal that week really was to just get away for a while to clear her head. Have some drinks, regroup.

Perhaps the tandem driver had to get back to school, leaving Maura alone (without a car) until later in the week, at the Outing Club Cabin or some nearby retreat. But when they came back, Maura was gone. And the tandem driver has never come forward because there remains the possibility that Maura left on her own and doesn't want to be found.

Whatever the case, I really hope she made it out, and that she is alive someplace.


What if someone else found Maura before the police did? What if someone found her and was so overcome with rage they did something to her? They would have an alibi for the disappearance but not what happened to her next.

I think police should take a close look at the days immediately after the disappearance, at least until Friday that week. Where exactly was everyone during the search for Maura in the White Mountains that week?

Perhaps Maura is dead. But maybe we were way wrong about the location and timing of it all.

If there was a tandem driver they should come forward with what they know, unless they know without a doubt that Maura is safe (which is looking increasingly unlikely).

"I Would Help You Bury a Body."

Today I spoke with a former employee of Ray Group International, the company Bill worked for in 2011, when he allegedly sexually assaulted a woman in the office.

This man has asked to remain anonymous but will speak to New Hampshire police.

He said at the time, Bill seemed to be in a very dark place and would go drinking practically every night after work at a place called The Bottom Line. His favorite drink, gin & tonic. This coworker got to know him well and considered him a friend. One day, after some drinks, he says Bill turned to him and said, "We're good friends, aren't we? Like best friends?" He said, sure. Then he claims Bill said, "I would help you bury a body. Really. I'd help you bury a body. That's how good of friends we are."

"I took it as a sincere moment," this man says. "At the time I brushed it off because he'd been in the military. I figured he'd seen casualties."

He says another time Bill told him how he'd go on the news to talk about Maura so that he could use it to pick up women. That he could play the depressed former boyfriend part and it worked very well.

He was there the day Bill was forced to resign his job at Ray Group after a woman said he sexually assaulted her in the office. They allowed him to resign instead of being fired. The executives agreed that they would leave it up to the woman to go to police. This woman can still go to police, actually, as the statue of limitation has not expired. I believe she is currently weighing that option.

In a related note, I just received a massive amount of information and names through a Globaleaks contact. There are more women with claims against Bill.

Sexual Harassment Claims Against Bill Rausch Continued at IAVA, Say Former Employees

After Bill Rausch was forced to resign at Ray Group following allegations of a sexual assault in 2011, he moved to the Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America nonprofit. Once there, according to coworkers, the improper and alarming behavior continued.

Two sources describe a night in the winter of 2015 where Rausch led a small group of coworkers to the bar after work. Once there, he ordered oysters and champagne and picked up the tab for the expensive dinner. This is very reminiscent of the stories a former girlfriend from Fort Sill tells of how he and his friends would slum the area bars, flashing cash to pick up women. (the photo below is taken from a blog run by an acquaintance during his time there).

During this dinner in 2015, there was Bill, another man, and two women who worked with them (one was a director-level employee, the other was the assistant to IAVA's CEO Paul Riekhoff.) Midway through the night, the other man realized that Bill was texting both women, trying to pick them up. The other director eventually shut him down (he was married, she was not interested).

From there, a couple of them went to a karaoke bar and had more drinks without Bill. Still, the texts continued.

At the end of the night, the other man walked the assistant back to her hotel. Bill was there, already, waiting for her to return. According to these sources he was very aggressive and manic, asking to be let into her room. One witness describes it becoming an argument in the street.

In the following weeks and months Bill allegedly asked his coworker to not tell anybody what happened that night.

Why is this important enough to warrant a post on this blog?

At the very least, this is another story that shows a pattern of behavior by Bill Rausch against women, especially women he has some power over and gives context and reason for Maura wanting to run away.

But also, I strongly believe Maura was traveling with a tandem driver the night she went missing and possibly even made it to her destination - a cabin in the woods. If she did, everybody's alibi on February 9 is worthless.

Bill maintains his innocence. Through his lawyer today he claims there is no truth to any of these claims. Each of these women must be lying.

Maura Called Home of Child Abuse Worker Before Disappearance

This case is just nuts.

As you can see, I'm diving back into the case for a bit since the women came forward about Bill Rausch. Currently, I'm going back through the Maura's cell phone records from the days before her disappearance. On January 24, Maura made two separate calls to the home of a woman who worked for the Department of Human Services Children & Families, investigating and working on child abuse cases in Weymouth, Massachusetts. Her number was unlisted but she sometimes gave it out to clients. In 2004 she was retired but she was working up until the late-1990s, and would have been an employee of DCF when Maura and her siblings (or even friends & relatives) were children.

She does not recall speaking to Maura directly.

I also found it interesting that she has never spoken to police, though her number is one of the last numbers Maura called on her phone before she disappeared. She was never contacted by the Rauschs or Murrays, either.

* For those suggesting this had something to do with Maura's nursing classes, this was an unlisted home number. And the woman had nothing to do with UMass.

Bill Rausch Loses Job, Got Your Six May Shutter Following Sex Assault Allegations

This just in:

Bill Rausch - Maura Murray's boyfriend at the time of her disappearance - has lost his job as Exec Director of Got Your Six, following allegations of sex assault and harassment in D.C. going back to his time with Ray Group International and IAVA.

They have allowed him to announce his exit on the Friday before a holiday, which all but assures limited media fallout. In a message Bill sent at 10:30 this morning, he makes no mention of the sexual assault allegations but says, only, "this will be my last month..." as part of Got Your Six.

Staff members Lauren Augustine, Cathleen Pearl, and Mark Szymanski were contacted over the last month. No one has officially commented on the matter.

Rausch's email to colleagues spins his departure as a restructuring. But an email I received from a donor suggests it is in fact related to the allegations of sex assault that has plagued him since two women told their stories on this blog in November.

Fred Murray's Odd Behavior Caused One Organization to Rescind $75,000 Reward


In 2006, the non-profit organization Let's Bring Them Home, was contacted by members of Maura Murray's family and immediately put up a $75,000 reward for information that would bring closure to the case. The offer made headlines but the reward was quietly rescinded later and a member of the organization contacted me this week to explain why.

She says Fred Murray's behavior and Helena Dwyer-Murray's secrecy raised red flags.

Fred was difficult.  Often hostile.  Very controlling.  I did
everything he told me to do and that was the extent of the
relationship.  He would only talk to me when he felt like and IF he
felt like and then he abruptly cut off all communication once the law
suit was filed to obtain police records.  I was fine with that -- I
found him to be difficult and at the time I was helping dozens of
other families like his.

Helena was nice enough but she held back information.  It was strange.
I never felt like I was getting the full story.  They were all
secretive.  It frustrated me because I did a lot of interviews for
them back then about the reward and Maura's case.

I backed out of the case slowly.... and have never spoken to anyone
again about it until I emailed you.
I asked her what she thought Helena was holding back. Here's her reply.

She wouldn't answer direct questions unless it was on the phone . She
wasn't going to do it in writing. And even then she hedged a lot.  At
the time, I was trying to understand Maura's mental state of mind.
We were, after all, offering a very large reward for information in
the case.

I ended up pulling the reward about 3 months later.  I wasn't trying
to be ugly to the family but there were too many demands put upon our
organization by the Murray family.

A screen shot of one of Fred's emails to the organization is above, in which he says he wants to hear all tip voicemails that come in before anyone else listens to them.

Another thing she found weird were the hang-up calls the tip line sometimes received. Each hang-up was logged and the phone number traced.It went to a phone listed under Julie Murray's name.

And for those saying this isn't such a big deal:

Phone Records Suggest Bill Rausch Knew Maura Left UMass on the 9th

I must have looked through Bill and Maura's cell phone bills a hundred times but yesterday a Redditor noticed something I never saw. Here's what "Ashthered" had to say:
After having a look at Bills phone records, I noticed something which seems strange to me, although I'm not sure if what I have noticed is accurate and so would appreciate it if someone with more knowledge could correct me if I'm wrong, sorry if this gets confusing but bare with me...
On Feb 8th at 2:49pm Bill makes a 2 min call to Maura which I presume was him leaving Maura a message as her phone was off at the time, then 1 minute later he calls another Amherst number 413-546-????, i am presuming this is Maura's dorm room (could be wrong but makes sense).
Then on the same day at 4:47 and 5:45 he calls Mauras mobile again which both go unanswered and then his next call is to that same number again which surely is Maura's dorm. It would make sense to try Maura's mobile, if she doesn't answer, then try her dorm.
So if I am correct then Bill on the day before Maura disappears, twice tries to contact her at her dorm after she has failed to answer her mobile.
Then on the Feb 9th, after Maura's last ever call to Bill at 2:18pm, where they don't actually talk but Maura may have left a short message, Bill calls Maura another 8 times before around 5pm on the 10th which would roughly be when Bill was told she was missing, and not once does he try her on her dorm phone, this surely suggests that he must know she is not at Umass, otherwise surely he would have tried her dorm phone again, just like he did on the 8th, twice.
Maybe I have got this wrong and if so I will be very grateful if somebody could correct me, but if not then I'm sure this looks like Bill knew she was going somewhere, before everyone else did?
Bill doesn't like to be ignored. On Feb 8th and 9th, he's calling Maura's cell phone and dorm, trying to get her to talk to him. When he can't reach her, he calls Kate Markopoulos on her cell phone and also Kate's dorm room. But Maura doesn't want to talk and sends him an email text saying so. That doesn't work for him though so he calls Maura's cell again three times in three minutes. But she doesn't pick up.

By all accounts, Bill is acting manic on February 9, as Maura is ignoring him.  He makes a total of 52 calls that day from his cell phone while he's in the field at Fort Sill and after. Calls to ex-girlfriends, mentors from West Point, and family. He's reaching out.

Later that night, he tries to get Maura to talk to him again. But he doesn't try her dorm again. When he can't reach her in the morning, does he try her dorm room? Nope. It's a break in character for him - when she didn't answer on Sunday, he's trying her cell, her dorm, her friend's dorm, and her friend's cell phone. But on Tuesday, he doesn't try Maura on her dorm, even though by all accounts he doesn't learn that she's missing from UMass until around 5 p.m. that evening, when the Murray family calls him.

In fact, after the Murrays call him to say Maura's missing, he doesn't call her cell phone either. He doesn't try to call her, even though she's missing, for two hours. His first thought isn't to immediately try to get his girlfriend to pick up but to call the operator, inquiring about hotels in New Hampshire.

This makes no sense to me. Does it make any sense to you?

In light of allegations against Bill Rausch by multiple women of sex assault and harassment in D.C., I think everyone close to the investigation should sit down and go over timelines of the days following Maura's disappearance.

Another Redditor noticed that after Bill learns Maura's missing, he calls Kate Markopoulos' dorm for 6 minutes.

UPDATE: Bob McDonald provides further alibi for Bill Rausch

After some questions arose about Bill's whereabouts in the days following Maura Murray's disappearance (based on cell phone roaming charges), I heard from one of his West Point professors, Bob McDonald.

Here's what McDonald says:
I was with him for all that time. My wife and I arrived late Friday and checked into the Wells River Motel, which is where everyone was staying. If my memory is correct (not a 100% certainty given that 14 years have passed) my wife drove home on Monday (it was a three day weekend) but I was able to get colleagues to cover my classes and didn't head home until -- I think -- Wednesday. That last day Bill and I drove to UMass and met with campus police; afterwards he drove me to Springfield (or maybe it was Worcester), where I rented a car and drove home.
Bill basically didn't leave my side. While my wife was with me, he slept in his parents' room. After my wife left, he moved over to mine. There were times when he'd go to the motel office to do phone interviews with Greta Van Susteren, etc., but other than that I don't remember us being apart. I wish I had a better memory of NH and VT geography and place names. The first day or two I was there (Saturday and maybe Sunday) we searched in the general vicinity of the crash site. We visited the tourist town near Mt. Washington and also went to a few other towns both in the direction in which she was traveling (into NH) but also in the opposite direction (toward VT) since, if she got picked up, we weren't sure in which direction the car was traveling. We were posting fliers, talking to people in convenience stores and food markets, and trying to get her picture and police contact info out there. We went to UMass on my last night up there to meet with campus police and also to get me a car rental so I could drive myself home. I hated to leave. Bill stayed up there for a while longer.

As the days passed the focus shifted from searching near the site of Maura's crash and talking to people who lived nearby to trying to do everything possible (distributing fliers, speaking to the media) to raising awareness that she was missing and getting her photo out there in the hope that someone had seen her.

I'm not 100% sure how to explain the 4-minute call. Maybe he was trying to access her voicemail (I think I remember her voice mail being something all of us discussed, but can't remember if we had access to it right away, later, or ever), or maybe he was just leaving a long message in hopes that she would get it. I'm guessing that the period in which he didn't use his cell is explained by the fact that coverage up there was so lousy back then. He was using the hotel phone to speak with media and others in the evenings and during the daytime we were either searching or driving around passing out and posting fliers

UMass Police Detective: Renner was right. Maura lives in Canada.

As I'm wrapping up the blog, I'm going to share some things I've held back over the years before I take it all down in May.

Here's a conversation Lt. Thrasher shared a couple months ago on Facebook. Thrasher was a Lt. at UMass when Maura went missing. He's the one who first share info about the call Maura received from her sister the night she had a breakdown.

Kent State documents

An Irregular named Elaine Gray was the first to view the collection of material on Maura Murray's case this week. I asked her to send me her thoughts after reading through it all:

On Thursday, April 26, I had the opportunity to visit the Kent State  Special Collections Department to view James Renner’s personal Maura Murray files. I was handed a large banker’s box filled with labeled file folders, and spent the next four hours engrossed in the mountain of documents: hand written notes, maps, newspaper clippings, yearbook scans, phone records, police reports and much more.

You may know Maura’s case, even down to the details, but you don’t know Maura. After my day at Kent State, I believe James Renner does know Maura (as much as any of us can) and the closest you can come to knowing her is through his files.

I am more of a casual observer of Maura’s disappearance. I listen to the podcasts, watch the shows, read the blogs, but have never done any of my own research. But even for the person who can debate the timeline down to the second, there is much to gain. 

I found the most valuable part of the collection to be the notes from the interviews James has conducted over the years with friends, family, coaches, reporters, co-workers, teammates; and not just to Maura, but to many of the key players. In his torn notebook pages, many stained with coffee and heavily underlined and starred, humanity is restored to those who have become characters in this case. And, I believe, a simple answer emerges.

I wish everyone had to spend a day with these archives as a prerequisite for commenting about Maura online. I left with a much different theory than I came in with, and with new, more specific, avenues to explore.

88 Episodes In, the Missing Maura Murray Podcast Delivers Its Most Important Episode

Maura Murray's West Point Record


I have had a source on deep background within West Point for some years, providing me with information about the history of Bill Rausch, Maura Murray, and others. I've decided to release Maura's full transcript (but not the details of anyone's judicial hearings) for a couple reasons. One, it shows again that Fred Murray and Maura were using the Weymouth address as late as 2002. Second, that it shows absences due to the judicial hearings that would eventually lead to Maura leaving West Point before she could be expelled.

I'm sure there are some things I've missed. Interested to know what everyone else finds.

Special thanks to Bruce Maguire and the crew at the Mindshock podcast for prompting me to look back into this.

Last word:
Thank you to my Irregulars for pointing out that this document only specifically shows that Fred was using the Weymouth address up to 2002, leaving it up to interpretation as to what happened after that. But neighbors claim he was staying there until at least the summer of 2004 (the first step any legit journalist would take to verify). Items found at the scene place him there after Maura's disappearance, too (handwritten, dated notes on the subject of media contacts about the crime).

The reason this has become a point of discussion is due to the discovery of an adult magazine at the property in which appeared the xeroxed photographs of family members. The magazine was among items that belonged solely to Fred Murray. Make of it what you will, perhaps there is a logical explanation. It disturbed me, in light of other reporting. But instead of accepting evidence and fact, the effort lately is to discredit the messenger.

Strangely, they all seem to forget that this was the permanent address Fred Murray used when he sued the state of New Hampshire... in 2005.

Here's a snippet:

AKA Murray 014-1

Docket No. 05-E-383
Frederick J. Murray
Special Investigation Unit of the Division of State Police of the New Hampshire Department of Safety; Grafton County Sheriffs Department; Grafton County Attorney's Office; New Hampshire Attorney General Kelly A. Ayotte; New Hampshire Governor John J. Lynch; Hanover Police Department; Director of the Division of State Police of the New Hampshire Department of Safety; Commander of the State Police Troop F in Twin Mountain; Troop F of the New Hampshire State Police in Twin Mountain; New Hampshire Fish and Game Department Region 2; and Historic Case Unit in Major Crimes of the Division of State Police of the New Hampshire Department of Safety
Now comes the Petitioner, Frederick J. Murray, ("Petitioner" or "Murray") by and through his counsel, Gallant & Ervin, LLC, and respectfully submits this Bill in Equity for Injunctive Relief. In support of this petition, the Petitioner states as follows:
I. Parties
1. The Petitioner, Frederick J. Murray is an individual residing at 22 Walker Street, Weymouth, Norfolk County, Massachusetts.
2. The Respondent, the Special Investigation Unit of the Division of State Police of New Hampshire is a division of a state agency located at 10 Hazen Avenue, Concord, Merrimack County, New Hampshire.
3. The Respondent, the Grafton County Sheriffs Department is a state agency located at 3785 Dartmouth College Highway, North Haverhill, Grafton County, New Hampshire.

Text Exchange Supports Internal Investigation at Ray Group International Following Alleged Assault by Bill Rausch

I have obtained some evidence given to the Grand Jury in DC that is reviewing the sex-assault allegations against Bill Rausch, there. One piece of this is a text conversation between two coworkers of Bill's the first working day following the assault. He is accused of forcing himself on a woman in Michael Louden's office on St. Patrick's Day, 2011, and also pushing this woman down the escalators in the Metro.

10:33 AM Coworker1: i basically told them that i don't feel safe. that bill scares the crap out of me. i'm not the only one who feels this way and that Mike [Louden] has no idea what bill is actually like
  i explained some of his erratic behavior in the past-i told mike that bill puts on a show for him
10:34 AM that he's a completely different person when he crosses from the left side of the building to the right
 Coworker2: its true
  what did he say>
 CW1: i gave my personal opinion about his mental health
 CW2: oh good
  youre my hero
 CW1: they're rethinking him coming in this afternoon and talking about security
10:35 AM i need to go for a walk-but i basically aired out bill's dirty laundry re:he's fucking crazy and a sociopath and doesn't understand human emotion
  but said differently
10:36 AM and i told them that while things people might say today might sound a little "far out", but that it's not "female histrionics" and that Mike, Alex etc need to understand that anything anyone states today is not just opinion and not a situation being blown up or taken out of context
  but completely accurate and true
  and basically that they better listen and not discount anything anyone says today
  i also pointed out that bill hates strong, intelligent women
  and that he has to assert his power over them
10:37 AM and now i need to take a long walk:)
  ps we're going to be sent home i think after we talk to alex
  i'm thinking movie party at VICTIM's so she's not by herself
10:38 AM i literally just told the head of our company that he has no idea who the real bill is...hmmmmm
10:39 AM CW2: you were awesome
Following the investigation at Ray Group, Bill was barred from the office during the day and removed from his job shortly after. He did not list Ray Group on his LinkedIn page for several years.

Whatever happened in that office, one thing is clear - his female coworkers were frightened of him.

Read about the other allegations here.

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