When you think about Internet trolls, who do you picture? Probably some kid in their parents' basement. But in reality, they look like your neighbor, like the woman in front of you in line at the grocery store.
This week, the Missing Maura Murray podcast plays a discussion we had at CrimeCon last week about the trolls who have attacked us over the years. Some have hacked into our emails and social media. Other have threatened my children or Lance and Tim.
In the last few months, the messages I've received have become more and more toxic and threatening. I've kept quiet until now, but I feel the need to share because these messages are coming from people who are directly connected with the Murray family and their efforts to find out what happened to Maura and I doubt the Murrays are aware of what is happening behind the scenes.
Most recently, the moderator of the official Maura Murray subReddit - Noelle Hallstrom Pelillo - has refused to delete libelous statements and continually uses the position to harass reporters like me. Here's a snippet of a recent message: "You can go shit in that hat you were supposed to eat."
Last night, I spoke to her and asked her to take down posts that cross into libel territory and others that incite harassment. She later admitted to recording the call, which is a felony where she lives in Concord - in fact, a blogger in New Hampshire was recently sent to prison for doing the exact same thing.
Hallstrom, as moderator, has control over the narrative of the case to some extent and she is a firm believer in the vast police conspiracy and does not shy from libeling law enforcement officials. Here's what she says about Maura's potential murder and coverup: "It was Chief Jeff Williams who earlier that day was drunk behind the wheel. Very good chance he hit her. He is still alive and works with children." There is no evidence of this at all.
John Smith, who works directly with Fred Murray as a "private investigator" though he has no investigators license current with New Hampshire, has grown increasingly threatening in recent weeks. Here are some snippets from emails: "You are a sick egotistical fucking douchebag.""Cannot wait to put you in your place.""Fuck you."
And here's a nice quote from MJA Investigators: "I would love to bitch slap you because you act like a little bitch."